VHS Camcorder

Update date
07 June 2018
VHS Camcorder - All forgotten the quality of shooting is back. All the older generation remembers the video tape recorders. And all these tapes, and the quality of this video, so here it is now possible to recreate this quality, but not using the old camera and your smartphone. Unique menu, comes from the 90's, just add the right touch of romance, of the time. The developers even added the function interference on the screen that not only makes the video look like the old one, and just becomes difficult to distinguish where the program is, and where the real video shot 30 years ago.
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Rating of 3 users
Requirements to v1.3.6
- OS version: Android 4.4+
Download appVHS Camcorder Pro
v1.3.6 Pro
v1.3.5 Pro
v1.3.2 Original
v1.3 Original
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