
Puzzle Games
Update date
14 February 2012
Game Hanger for android is a mobile version of the famous childhood game, Hangman. Remember, the leaflet in the box and drawn on the gallows man. As you already understood, the main task - to guess the encrypted word before your partner (in this case the game itself) is not drawing the gallows and hung man. So you only have a certain number of times on the error. Be careful. If you manage to guess the correct letter of the word, it puts a smile not only to you but to your character, which immediately displayed on the screen. Collecting points you can send them to the high score table available online!
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Rating of 8 users
Requirements to v1.0.4
- OS version: Android 1.6+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 1 Mb
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v1.0.4 Original
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