Under Survival : SIMULATION

Under Survival : SIMULATION
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    29 October 2024

Under Survival: SIMULATION - In a world where humanity fights for survival, you are the last hope for salvation. A cursed refuge, filled with powerful equipment, resources, and gene-altering viruses, has become a place where humanity can find the key to its survival. But this place has also become home to plague monsters that threaten to destroy everything humanity has built. Your mission is to gather the necessary resources and equipment to help humanity survive. But it won't be easy. Infectious monsters have launched a massive counterattack, and you will have to fight for every minute of life. In this game, you will experience an exciting expedition system, where you will gather materials for survival and participate in fast-paced and thrilling battles. You will also be able to build and operate various production facilities and strategically position objects.

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Requirements to v2.0.8

  • OS version: Android 6.0+
  • Internet: required
  • Requires free space: 128 Mb

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v2.0.8  Original

29.10.2024 - Changes not specified.

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