Troopers Z

Troopers Z
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    06 June 2024

Troopers Z is a unique roguelike game where you take on the role of a warrior striving to save the world and free various regions from a zombie apocalypse. You will need to gather a team of reliable allies, explore dangerous and abandoned places in search of resources, battle formidable enemies, and uncover hidden conspiracies. Game features include: Combining hundreds of types of weapons - Your arsenal will be far from standard. Collect powerful skills and create your unbeatable combination. Deadly hero combinations - Switch between the three heroes of your team to create your unique series of attacks and destroy monsters! Giant beasts and diverse gameplay experience - Fight huge monsters or fast little monsters. Experience the variety of exciting battles at different levels.

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Requirements to v0.9

  • OS version: Android 5.1+
  • Internet: required
  • Requires free space: 485 Mb

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v0.9   Original

6.06.2024 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

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