Trainyard Express

Puzzle Games
Update date
27 December 2020
if you can enter into a narrow circle of people who were able to pass more than 60 puzzles-puzzles in the game Trainyard Express where your brain is very tense? The task seems simple until you are faced with the process. For starters, you need to lay kolii the squares for trains, so they went to the right paths. Each train has its own color, which is used for the end stop. Most importantly - all the trains have to finish, so you will automatically go to the next level with features more difficult. Limited time in the game, only deliberate steps to victory.
App rating
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Rating of 7 users
Requirements to v1.5.3
- OS version: Android 2.3+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 10 Mb
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v1.5.3 Original
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