To the Moon

To the Moon

To the Moon – adventure game in which you help the old man to fulfill his heart's desire before his death to go to the moon. In this game you will play the role of two doctors who will travel to the memories of the old man and find out the reason for this sudden desire. Fold memories of the old man as a puzzle and enjoy the exciting missions and tasks. The game will give you a thrilling story, unique soundtrack and great graphics. Solve difficult puzzles and puzzles and help the old man fulfill his desire.

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Requirements to v3.1

  • OS version: iOS 8.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 1.26 Gb
  • Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch

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v3.1  Original

2.05.2020 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 0

v3.0  Original

v2.8  Original

v2.4  Original

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