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    11 April 2017

111% is one of those companies for the development of mobile games that by choosing as its main focus the creation of arcade games in fully adheres to this position and it is worth noting that a number of simple games sometimes makes us happy and serious projects. But at the moment we have before us a game which increasingly refers to the time-killer.
so, TiKiTaKa! is an action arcade all action that develops on a single game screen, your task is to control the character to destroy everyone and everything around him, while of course using different weapons. Graphically TiKiTaKa! made in a nice style, and a variety of animation model perfectly convey the chaos happening on the screen. So if you have only a couple of minutes which you need to pass the TiKiTaKa! fits perfectly.

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v2.0  Original

11.04.2017 - Changes not specified.

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