The Night Shift

The Night Shift
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    29 May 2017

The Night Shift - new bloody zombie shooter in which you have to play the role of an ordinary, boring office clerk. Every day is like the previous one, your life is boring and monotonous, but things change one of these days, days when the planet is bombarded by an unexpected epidemic. A deadly virus has turned people into the walking dead, you're one of the few survivors of the lucky ones. While at work you suddenly discover that the zombies have almost got to your office and then you procured a gun and plenty of ammo barricaded in one of the rooms and began to shoot at the advancing dead. Actually this is the gameplay your task is to try to survive as long as possible and destroy the maximum number of eaters of brains.

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v1.0  Original

29.05.2017 - Changes not specified.

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