Available in English

The Longing

The Longing
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  • Language

    English, Russian, Others

  • Update date

    22 August 2024

The Longing - to spend 400 long days in the service of your king. Playing as the Shade - the last surviving servant, you must guard the king's peace in the underground palace while he regains his strength. Time starts counting down from the moment the game is launched and does not stop, even when it is inactive. You will have to decide how to spend these days alone. You can simply turn on the game after 400 days if you don't want to play, but remember - the Shade will be very lonely without you. If you decide to use your time wisely, you can explore the cave and collect items, decorating the underground palace. You can also read books from the huge library to pass the time and learn more about the game world.

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Requirements tov1.10

  • OS version: Android 10+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 1 Gb

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v1.10  Full

22.08.2024 - Changes not specified.

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