The Greedy Cave

Android, iOS
English, Russian
Update date
20 December 2024
The Greedy Cave, in a distant land, Milton, a sword and magic stand as a symbol of power and Majesty, who rule in this world. Men dedicated themselves to the art of magic spells, and strive as one to become a valiant warrior. Several large kingdoms separated from each other, but still have communication with each other. Our story begins in a small Kingdom by the name of Iblis in the North. The Northern land has always been known as a wild untamed wasteland with poor people. Iblis basically makes his living selling rare minerals. Some of the people found a cave with lots of gold gems and other useful materials.
Compatible: iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 6 users
Requirements to v4.1.13
- OS version: iOS 10.3+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 395.55 Мб
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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v4.1.13 Original
v4.1.10 Original
v4.1.2 Original
v4.0.28 Original
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