The Gardens Between

Android, iOS
English, Russian
Update date
04 July 2023
Between The Gardens is an action – adventure game, where will meet two friends Arina and Frenda which an unexpected way transported into a magical world. The whole world, which will be the main characters filled with their memories. Now your task will be to explore the numerous Islands, solve puzzles, and to separate important memories. Light the lamp and convey it to the top of the island passing level. Control characters or by the time unrolling it backward or forward. Play this game and enjoy a great storyline, fantastic atmosphere and great graphics.
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Rating of 1 users
Requirements to v1.3.1
- OS version: iOS 11+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 662.45 Мб
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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v1.3.1 Original
v1.3 Original
v1.01 Original
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