The Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion

Update date
03 May 2023
The Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion - In the mid-2000s, The Elder Scrolls series was preparing to debut on the PlayStation Portable handheld console. The developers considered the possibility of releasing an adaptation of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion game, which then seemed an amazing achievement of a new generation, and The Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion, which could become one of the graphic favorites on the PSP. Unfortunately, the release of the game never took place and the project was canceled. However, the result could be very interesting: the creators promised to provide ten extensive maps, 18 magical abilities and graphics close to the level of the home console.
Suddenly, in May, data on the canceled TEST Oblivion became available. Someone put up for sale development DVDs with early versions of the game, causing a commotion in the gaming community. After all, this project was one of the most anticipated on the PlayStation Portable, and information about it was extremely scarce, only a preliminary review and a few screenshots. Now electronic copies of all five TEST: Oblivion builds are available online.
Thus, the cancelled version of The Elder Scrolls for PlayStation Portable remains an unrealized project that arouses keen interest among fans of the series and fans of portable games. Probably, this adaptation could offer many unique features and interesting solutions, but, unfortunately, we will never know what the result of this development could be.
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Requirements to v1.0
- OS version: PSP
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 47 Mb
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v1.0 Original
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