Monster Hunter Freedom

Update date
08 November 2023
Monster Hunter Freedom is a unique port of the legendary game Monster Hunter, originally released only in Japan. This version of the game is a continuation of the first part and is a real find for true fans. Despite the fact that the main elements of the game are preserved from the PlayStation 2 version, the game includes a huge amount of new content. This is not just an updated version of the game, it is truly a unique adventure that will immerse you completely and provide a lot of enjoyment and opportunities. Get ready to battle new monsters, explore new locations, and wield new weapons. Unforgettable adventures await you in a world full of dangers and amazing discoveries.
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Rating of 7 users
Requirements to v1.0
- OS version: PSP
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 715 Mb
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v1.0 Original
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