Tap Titans 2

Tap Titans 2
  • OS


  • Category


  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    12 March 2025

At the time of its introduction the game called Tap Titans promised to be a hit, because at that time in the genre of clickers was already quite a few hits and even iconic projects. However, just a few days Tap Titans scored just extraordinarily popular, probably thanks to the classic gameplay mechanics, great graphics, support for the Russian language, extensive gaming capabilities and of course do not forget about the unusual genre of a fantasy story.
And now, after some time, the developers decided to make us a full-fledged sequel, which still retain all the basic benefits and advantages gained more unique content, new characters, dozens of items, new storyline. So fans of clickers grab your keyboards and go to war with the titans.

App rating

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Rating of 24 users


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Requirements to v7.8.1

  • OS version: Android 5.0+
  • Internet: required for first run
  • Requires free space: 300 Mb

Download gameTap Titans 2 Mod Menu

v7.8.1  Mod Menu

12.03.2025 - Changes not specified.

Mod menu:

- Gold increase during spending

- Gold not decrease during spending

- Vip unlocked

- No skill cooldown

- Mana not decrease

- Enable pet auto attack


Votes: 0

v7.7.1  Mod Menu

v7.6.1  Mod Menu

v7.5.2  Mod Menu

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