Tank 1990

Tank 1990
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    08 May 2020

Tanks 1990 return, now on Android. The game is in retro style, where an exciting battle waiting for his hero. Those who want to remember how funny it is to play tanks or those who haven't experienced the gameplay of retro classics in a new wrapper, there is no limit to the passion and delight. The dynamics of the game, do not relax, not for a second,to protect the headquarters at any cost. If you have to taste "hot" and fierce battle with a huge number of enemies appearing from all sides, and a large number of different maps, tanks 1990 is the game that can offer this. Good luck in battle!

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Rating of 11 users


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Requirements to v1.2.40

  • OS version: Android 4.1+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 60 Mb

Download gameTank 1990 Free shopping

v1.2.40  Original. Free shopping

8.05.2020 - Changes not specified.


- Ad disabled

- Free VIP activation

- You can get coins and lives in the VIP menu an unlimited number of times


Votes: 4

v1.2.37   Original

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