Periodic Table 2020 - Chemistry

Periodic Table 2020 - Chemistry
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    05 June 2020

application "periodic table 2020 - Chemistry", you will plunge into the wonderful world of chemical elements and learn a lot about their unique properties and the entry into a chemical reaction. The program is suitable for both professional chemists and beginners. Your attention is presented a table consisting of 8 different groups. Learn the properties of metals (refractoriness, melting point, density etc.).You will be able to quickly find the desired item, show its symbol and name in the periodic table, to know the level of solubility and other properties.

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Requirements to v0.2.102

  • OS version: Android 4.1+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 72 Mb

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v0.2.102  Original

5.06.2020 - Changes not specified.

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