Raft - Симулятор выживания

Raft - Симулятор выживания
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    English, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Others

  • Update date

    18 January 2025

Survival on Raft: Ocean Nomad – simulator – simulator for Android, where you will survive on a raft. This game mixes RPG and shooter you have to explore the ocean on a raft and fend for themselves. You are the only one who managed to survive the Apocalypse, but now you have to travel the world on a raft, and to hunt sharks. This game will delight players new enemies, items and weapons. Wilamowice various items from the water with a hook and craft armor and weapons. Defend your raft from the attacks of sharks, and improve and complete it.

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Requirements to v2.3.1

  • OS version: Android 6.0+
  • Internet: required
  • Requires free space: 1 Gb

Download gameRaft - Симулятор выживания Mod Menu

v2.3.1  Mod Menu

18.01.2025 - Changes not specified.

Mod menu:

- Sandbox Unlocked

- Money increases when spending


Votes: 0

v2.3.0  Mod Menu

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