
  • OS

    Android, iOS

  • Category


  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    21 August 2018

SunVox – cool, full-fledged music editor for Android devices. All pokes, editing, stands, inserts, and joins. Despite a lot of functionality is crammed on the screen of the device all the elements are very convenient difficulties, the interface is not all clear even for those who see it for the first time. Create your own music tracks easily with the help of a great program SunVox.


  • Supports almost all popular payment systems: Windows, Linux, OSX, Win Mobile, iOS, Maemo, Meego, etc.
  • Minimalistic scalable interface.
  • Optimized algorithms; SunVox almost unchanged for powerful computers and weak handhelds.
  • a Lot of built-in synths and effects.
  • Support 16, 24 and 32 bit WAV, AIFF and XI samples.
  • multi-track export to WAV.
  • Recording and real-time processing of the microphone signal.
  • Import formats XM (FastTracker) and MOD (ProTracker, OctaMED).

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v1.9.4c  Original

21.08.2018 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 4

v1.7.2  Original

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