Subway Surfers Tag

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Update date
09 June 2023
Subway Surfers Tag - Take your own surfboard and move forward through the railway territory until you are caught by a security guard! No stops, full extreme, high speed, challenging tests and much more, which will only complicate the process of your journey. Set new records for the distance traveled, slide through various obstacles, use additional features in emergency cases, collect important medals and perform numerous combos for which you can get rewards!
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Rating of 9 users
Requirements to v1.7.11976
- OS version: iOS 13+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 170 Mb
Download gameSubway Surfers Tag
v1.7.11976 Original
9.06.2023 - New accelerated learning process.
- New game mode with places for tags.
- New enemies and their improvements.
- New shooting mechanics: aim and shoot with two sticks.
- The system of enemy waves has been completely redesigned.
- Guard is a repeatable boss that can be defeated in every run.
- New improved mechanics of powerful shots.
- Minor updates to promotion systems to implement these changes
Votes: 1
v1.5.10181 Original
v1.3.8911 Original
v1.0.7305 Original
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