Strawberry Sweet Shop

Strawberry Sweet Shop
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    01 November 2015

Strawberries are the manufacturer of chocolates - Strawberry Shortcake has invited all his friends to his café. That they all together tried new delicious sweets and drinks. But too many friends and they all want to try treats. Without you, Strawberry Shortcake not like to do. Help her to prepare all that is asked of her friends. You also have the chance to become the best pastry chef to come up with their own recipes and cook at home!


  • Prepare delicious desserts friends
  • Perelivy, mix, freeze, and eat your sweets.
  • Mix food coloring, ingredients, sprinkles and decorations to endlessly come up with signature recipes.
  • Complete special orders and win stars.
  • Invent recipes, you can prepare these desserts.
  • Use kitchen utensils to make it easier and faster to cook food.

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v1.5  Original

1.11.2015 - Changes not specified.

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