stayZen (Ad Free)

stayZen (Ad Free)
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    Puzzle Games

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  • Update date

    04 December 2016

stayZen - a game which is not only difficult to attribute to a specific genre, but a General description is practically nothing to tell about it. The game is divided into more than 80 levels, each of which your task is to hold, with the swipe, a ring to a given point, the item constantly strive to fall down. On some levels you have complete freedom of action, other your task is to follow a predetermined path, but the goal is always the same. It would seem, everything is simple and uncomplicated, but it's worth a try to get just one level and you will see that the gameplay has inexplicable magic, and graphics combined with gorgeous soundtrack will blow you away with his head.
This project will no doubt appeal to all fans of meditative puzzler with simple controls and a unique atmosphere.

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v1.0.0  Original

4.12.2016 - Changes not specified.

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