Station 117

Station 117
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    30 November 2022

Station 117 - during the next descent into the water, you discover a mysterious underwater station, the reasons for which stagnation are still unknown. Without thinking twice, you decide to sneak inside to scout the situation and find out what happened to the members of the station management. In fact, you find only hidden clues, that is, it will take some time and a desire to unravel a huge story to add up the overall picture. Move around the premises of the station and indicate what exactly this or that room was intended for, and which of all the items there is clearly superfluous.

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Requirements tov117

  • OS version: iOS 12+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 753 Мб

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v117  Original

30.11.2022 - Changes not specified.

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