Star Wars: Droids Puzzle

Star Wars: Droids Puzzle
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    27 November 2017

Star Wars: Droids Puzzle – platform game for Android genre of three in a row, where you will meet again with the heroes of the famous Saga "Star wars." In this game you will play the role known to all of the droid and collect the crystals in a row and thereby attempt to awaken the power to defeat the enemy droids. In this game you will travel through familiar locations and solve tricky puzzles and puzzles. In this game you will meet again with Ray, Finn, For Gameroom and other and join the fight with the first order. Make different combinations of crystals and destroy all obstacles on the way and use the numerous power-UPS as quickly as possible to clear the field and to perform all tasks.

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Requirements to v1.5.25

  • OS version: Android 4.2+
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 46 Mb

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v1.5.25  Mod: unlimited money

27.11.2017 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 5

v1.2.23  Original

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