Star Survivor:Premium

Android, iOS
Update date
18 July 2024
Star Survivor Premium is a Roguelike game about endless space wanderings among asteroids. Playing as a starship, we must survive the invasion and destroy all enemies. By choosing from several ships before the battle, make the right choice and find the key to victory. You can upgrade your ship with a variety of enhancements that will greatly impact your gaming experience. After each playthrough, you can draw a new card for your deck, which will be used for further progress. This adds even more randomness and interest to the game. Can you survive it all? The answer is up to you.
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Rating of 1 users
Requirements to v1.0.65
- OS version: iOS 11+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 180 Мб
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v1.0.65 Original
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