Star Chef

Star Chef
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  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    29 August 2018

have You ever dreamed about your own restaurant? If Yes, then I have good news for you, a new game Studio 99Games will give you the opportunity to lead your own restaurant. Most of the projects this developer treated the arcade genre, but this time, 99Games has decided to turn its attention to building and economic simulation and it is worth noting that the game turned out pretty good.
In Star Chef under your leadership will get a small restaurant which you will develop to the most prestigious eating place in town. But you have to try, in addition to the usual improvements to the interior, increasing the number of dishes you have to develop your own farm where vegetables are grown, winning several culinary competitions and more.

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Requirements to v2.23.5

  • OS version: Android 4.2+
  • Internet: required
  • Requires free space: 95 Mb

Download gameStar Chef Mod: unlimited money

v2.23.5  Original. Mod: unlimited money

29.08.2018 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

v2.23.4  Mod: unlimited money

v2.23  Mod: unlimited money

v2.22  Money Mod

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