Smurfs Touched

Smurfs Touched
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    13 November 2024

Smurfs Touched - In this adventure, you'll encounter unexpected meetings and exciting tasks. The hot and dry summer has significantly affected the sarsaparilla in the forest, and the subsequent rainy autumn has flooded the plants that survived the summer drought. Fearing a long and harsh winter ahead, Papa Smurf decides to create fertilizer to help the sarsaparilla grow faster. After a successful experiment, he tasks the other Smurfs with spreading the fertilizer throughout the forest. However, upon returning to his lab, Papa Smurf discovers that a small flower has turned into a massive carnivorous plant! Now he must warn the Smurfs to stop distributing the fertilizer immediately. But strange sounds are already echoing from the forest and the village.


  • Character selection: decide whether you want to play as a Smurf or Smurfette!
  • Exploration: complete tasks from other Smurfs, explore the forest, and search for your friends.
  • Confront Gargamel: find important village items captured by the carnivorous plants before Gargamel discovers them and the village.
  • Training: practice with beginner mechs, battle enemies, and gain access to more powerful mechs from Handy Smurf.

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Requirements to v1.0.61

  • OS version: Android 10+
  • Internet: required
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 478 Mb

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v1.0.61  Original

13.11.2024 - Changes not specified.

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Votes: 2

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