Sheeping Around

Board Games
English, Russian
Update date
28 February 2019
Sheeping Around is a card game for IOS, where you will guard or steal sheep. In this game you can play as the shepherd and the thief, who must steal sheep. Only on the pasture grazing three sheep, two of which you need to save or trap. Use the map to help shepherd defeat the thief and get his sheep out of the death trap and driving a thief you'll use these same cards to create the trap and production of sheep. During the game you will receive new cards that complicate the gameplay. Play against computer or real players from around the world.
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Rating of 1 users
Requirements to v1.4.2
- OS version: iOS 8.0+
- Requires free space: 118.48 Мб
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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v1.4.2 Original
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