Shazam Encore

Android, iOS
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Update date
15 December 2024
Shazam Encore – an interesting and useful application for lovers of good music. This program is perfect for music lovers, by which they will determine their favourite song or melody. When you hear a song, touch your phone's screen and allow the program to listen to it to determine and then it will display artist and song title. In this program gathered a huge number of different songs, so she can easily identify your song. Use this program and use it myself more and more listening to songs and create playlists.
- Listen to different tracks and search for them in iTunes
- the Ability to sing a melody with the words to define
- Watch music videos on YouTube
- to Share their findings via Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Google+ and Pinterest
- listen to the complete tracks on Rdio, Spotify or Deezer
- Create and add your own playlist
- Browse your favourite tracks among people with similar interests
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 3 users
Requirements to v18.5
- OS version: iOS 12+
- Internet: required
- Requires free space: 43.31 Мб
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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v18.5 Original
v13.5 Original
v8.8.1 Original
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