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    30 October 2024

Sector-IX - The gods have departed, leaving behind only legends and… a dangerous legacy. Humanity, intoxicated by scientific progress, dared to touch the forbidden power, creating the "Titans" – monstrous weapons made from the bones of gods and chaos. This hubris led to catastrophe: the "Titans" went out of control, unleashing a wave of destruction upon civilization. The Earth has turned into a wasteland, and humanity has been forced to abandon its cradle. But hope is still alive. As the commander of Sector IX, an elite squad, you will lead a mission to return to Earth. Your task is to seal the dangerous power that lies dormant within the "Titans" and bring humanity back to its lost home.

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Requirements to v0.0.8

  • OS version: Android 8.0+
  • Internet: required
  • Requires free space: 194 Mb

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v0.0.8  Premium

30.10.2024 - Changes not specified.

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