Scary Child

Scary Child
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    07 July 2018

Scary Child horror game on Android, where you'll explore a house where a brutal killer. In this game you will meet a serial killer, which is enclosed in the body of a small child. Not long ago, the killer was hit by a car, but he was resurrected in the body of another child and was ready to kill again. Our killer may take the form of dolls and ghosts, so be extremely cautious and careful. He can scratch, bite, strike, and other injuries. Explore every room of the house and collect the items you need and the keys to open all the locked doors and leave as quickly as possible the ill-fated house.

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Requirements to v2.1

  • OS version: Android 4.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 61 Mb

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v2.1  Unlocked

7.07.2018 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 2

v2.0  Unlocked

v1.9  Unlocked

v1.8  Unlocked

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