Save the Puppies

Puzzle Games
Update date
02 December 2023
Save the Puppies – download free cute this puzzle game for Android. One day, the dark, dark night on a dark, dark street – one evil dog Snatcher kidnaps kids puppies. Your task is to find the puppies and release them from the cell. You play as a mother Dachshund, who during the game eats bones and sausages, at times ,apparently from eating too much=), it is stretched to not pass what size as in the game "snake". Cheerful graphics, not straining geymp!
- Addictive adventure-puzzle game with 100 levels.
- Cute puppies.
- Feature an unlimited number of undo.
- zoom Function for perfect overview.
- Exciting, but always clear the puzzle.
- Unlockable solutions for all levels.
- Support for Facebook to exchange information about the record run with your friends.
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 5 users
Requirements to v1.5.7
- OS version: Android 2.1+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 30 Mb
Download gameSave the Puppies Мод: много ключей
v1.5.7 Original
v1.5.2 Original. Мод: много ключей
19.10.2018 - Changes not specified.
Votes: 1
v1.4.1 Original
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