Runic Rampage

Update date
02 November 2017
Runic Rampage – take control of a brave dwarf and guide him through various locations. In this game you will help the dwarf to find the runic stone, on which depends the fate of all dwarves. Legends say that the dwarf Kingdom was a magic stone that protected them from enemies, but it was lost and the Kingdom was destroyed. Embark on a fascinating journey and fight together with main character with a variety of enemies and bosses. With a powerful axe slash enemies with incredible cruelty and do not give them no chance at salvation. The game will please you excellent graphics and atmospheric soundtrack.
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Requirements to v1.02
- OS version: iOS 6.0+
- Requires free space: 233.85 Mb
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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v1.02 Original
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