Rimuru Tempest - HD Wallpapers

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Update date
12 August 2021
& lt;p & gt;Rimuru Tempest-HD Wallpapers-Install an interesting main character "The Time I Turned into Slime" named Rimuru Tempest (formerly Satoru Mikami)on your wallpaper. He is the Demon Lord of the Octagram in the capital of the Federation of Storm Jura, although he looks blue as slime. After reincarnating into a demon, his body was completely covered with a silver color with golden stripes. Rimuru is always associated with slime, because it can take any form, reducing or adding weight to its own body by crushing cherished enemies.
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Requirements to v1.1
- OS version: Android 4.1+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 42 Mb
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