Retro Art - GIF Wallpapers

Retro Art - GIF Wallpapers
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    Live wallpaper

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  • Update date

    19 February 2023

Retro Art Live Wallpaper is a beautiful and stylish live wallpaper for Android. This wallpaper will take you back to the era of 8-bit console games and create an old-school atmosphere. The wallpaper has various settings that allow you to adjust the background, speed and colors to choose the version that is most suitable for you. In addition, you can add your own images as a background to create a unique design. Live wallpapers work great on most Android devices and are a great way to decorate your phone screen.

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Requirements to v32.0922

  • OS version: Android 5.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 15 Mb

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v32.0922  Original

19.02.2023 - Changes not specified.

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