Recorder Pro

Recorder Pro
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    29 June 2017

Sometimes a quality recorder just need to make a quick voice note, quietly Napping in the lecture, recording the speech of the teacher, to remember any music... options of using a weight, simply connect the imagination. How about a great quality recording? A built-in file Manager included? All this is in the app simply called Recorder Pro. It has no limitations on recording time and needs no Internet connection. As a voice recorder it allows you to adjust the sound quality select the format, syncs with iCloud, Dropbox, Box, and, importantly, works in background. Built-in file Manager working with folders (including nested and hidden), understands simple functions like copy/cut/paste/delete, archives the data and sends them via e-mail.

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Requirements to v2.9

  • OS version: iOS 7.0+
  • Requires free space: 32.8 Mb

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v2.9  Original

29.06.2017 - Changes not specified.

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