Rebirth of Glory

English, Others
Update date
26 September 2024
Rebirth of Glory - After the devastating invasion, your people were scattered, and now you are the only leader capable of leading them to safety. The sacred village is your last hope for survival, but the path there will not be easy. Harsh trials await you: fierce storms, savage beasts, evil spirits, and hostile locals who do not want to see you on their land. But you cannot give up. You must be a strong and brave leader, capable of leading your people to victory. In the sacred village, you will need to build a new home and create a community able to survive in these harsh conditions. Appoint and manage the work of your people to gather resources and store them for future generations. Gather food, wood, and other necessary resources to survive harsh winters and fend off attacks from vicious enemies. But survival is not everything. You must expand and explore new lands to find new resources and opportunities for your people. Discover new lands, meet new allies and enemies, and make choices that will determine the fate of your people.
App rating
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Rating of 2 users
Requirements tov0.6.25
- OS version: Android 7.0+
- Internet: required
- Requires free space: 1210 Mb
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v0.6.25 Original
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