Available in English

Puper Bunny Duo

Puper Bunny Duo
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    09 August 2024

Puper Bunny Duo - In the green valley, hidden from human eyes, there lived fluffy bunnies. Their world was filled with sunlight, juicy cabbage, and sweet carrots. But happiness did not last forever. The bunnies multiplied at an incredible speed, and soon the food supplies began to rapidly diminish. Two brave rabbits, Fluffy and Ears, decided not to wait for mercy from fate. Armed with ingenious guns capable of shooting carrot projectiles and cabbage bombs, they set off on a dangerous journey. Their path was not easy - cunning foxes, sly wolves, and tangled labyrinths awaited at every step. Join Fluffy and Ears in this exciting adventure. Call a friend and together help the brave rabbits overcome all obstacles. Only unity and mutual assistance will help you navigate dangerous traps, defeat enemies, and find the coveted Super Carrot that will save the bunnies from hunger.

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Requirements tov0.12.238

  • OS version: Android 5.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 87 Mb

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v0.12.238  Original

9.08.2024 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

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