Poppy Playtime Chapter 2

Poppy Playtime Chapter 2

Poppy Playtime Chapter 2 - probably there is nothing scarier than what is hiding in the dark, especially if you are alone in the old rooms of some buildings. Fight with the help of the green hand, which will always be with you, with Banzo Bunny and other scary characters that haunt you. An abandoned factory stores a lot of useful items in a circle, they will definitely be useful to you in the process of exploring every corner. Grab onto everything you see in front of you, transfer limited energy through the remaining wires to get light and other things.

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Requirements to v1.3

  • OS version: iOS 12+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 1.25 Гб

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v1.3  Original

9.09.2022 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 3

v1.0   Original

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