Pokemon GO

Android, iOS
Update date
09 March 2025
GO Pokemon (Pokemon DPP) – Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu and many other pokémon have been found on our planet. Join one of three teams and lead a confrontation between the others for the right of possession of the best pokemon. When you're in town your phone is always with you during all the daily chores and he can tell you that close to pokemon. Take aim and throw the ball. Do not delay otherwise it can go. Help your pet to evolve and increase their abilities. Enjoy the game and it will definitely appeal to all fans of pokemon.
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Rating of 126 users
Requirements to v0.351.0
- OS version: Android 5.0+
- Internet: required
- Requires free space: 250 Mb
- Multiplayer: via the Internet
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v0.351.0 Original
v0.347.0 Original
v0.345.0 Original
v0.343.2 Original
Error Our servers are humbled by your incredible response
Error "Our servers are humbled by your incredible response. We are working to resolve the issue": most Often in the evening – this means that the game server is overloaded. Solution: try periodically to reenter or wait for next day.
GPS signal not found / infinite loading when you login
Error: 1. When you enter the game, at the top there is a red inscription "Gps signal not found."
2. Endlessly spinning white pokebol clicking Sign up with Google
the Solution: you need to completely refresh GOOGLE including the map and everything is there! the problem should be resolved.
that doesn't work, login using account Pokemon...
Strong battery
the Problem: a smartphone or tablet quickly drains the battery and/or the device is really hot
the Solution: 1. To enable the option "Battery saver" in game settings. It is 100% efficient for AMOLED displays because it paints a pixel black when the phone is flipped over face down. When this option is enabled and display is not locked, the game considers the distance traveled, the notification about the found pokemon.
2. It is also recommended to disable sounds and music, which also consume power.
3. Reduce the brightness of your screen
4. If you have a good 3G, but there is a normal 2G (EDGE, GPRS), you can try to use it by force.
Camera mode works, but the pokemon in it
the Problem: Symptoms: the camera mode works, but the pokemon in it.
the Solution: in the absence of the device gyroscope to use the AR (augmented reality or catching of pokémon with the camera) is impossible. The suggestion to turn off AR
An empty map or Failed to detect location
Problem: Blank map or Failed to detect location
the Solution: Go to phone settings > developer tools > uncheck "use mock locations". Ready.
How to play the Crimea?
the Solution: In the Crimea is possible only through VPN or through Krasnodar SIM card.
VPN program and looking to find on the website or Play store "VPN"
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