Pizza Boy C Pro

Update date
09 October 2024
Pizza Boy C Pro - We present to you the most accurate emulator of an 8-bit portable game that has ever existed. With its help, you can immerse yourself in nostalgia and enjoy your favorite games with a new level of comfort and convenience. The improvements we have made will make your gaming experience incredibly vivid and exciting. A beautiful graphical interface will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the game atmosphere, and the absence of time restrictions will allow you to play as much as you want. A completely new cheat manager will provide you with a wide range of options for changing game parameters to make the game even more
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Rating of 1 users
Requirements tov6.3.1
- OS version: Android 1.5+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 11 Mb
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v6.3.1 Original
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