PipTec Green Icons & Live Wall

Update date
09 October 2017
PipTec Green Icons & Live Wall - This application will make your android device a real pip boy. The design is done in the best traditions of the FallOut. The app is easy to configure and you can change everything. What more no need to dig in a pile of settings, all icons, resize widgets and much more, you can change just breeding, or keeping fingers. All sizes are configured directly on the screen of your device. Then all you do is save, and voila, your unique pip boy ready for work. If you are a real connoisseur of FallOut then this app will help you to plunge into its atmosphere, but in real life.
- 3300 made icons for this app
- Unique widget for the battery, and many other widgets
- 40 high quality Wallpaper
App rating
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Rating of 2 users
Requirements to v2.8.5
- OS version: Android 4.1+
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v2.8.5 Original
v2.8.2 Original
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