
Update date
08 June 2015
All fans of mobile photography, at least sometimes, but make panoramas. They work, however, of different size and quality. If you are one of these, be sure to try Photosynth — it's designed to create spectacular spherical panoramas. The functionality of the app is simple: you scroll through the phone, the camera automatically takes pictures, however, if you don't like it, you can press the shutter yourself, but as a rule, do not have: automatic copes herself. The only thing that can stop moving vehicles or people will have to avoid. In addition, the application has a strong social element: the resulting panoramas to share with friends in social networks (in the form of a flat image) or use to publish photosphere the same service.
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Rating of 1 users
Requirements to v1.6.1
- OS version: iOS 6.0+
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v1.6.1 Original
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