PC Simulator

PC Simulator
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    16 May 2021

PC Simulator – entertaining and instructive game on Android where you will collect your computer. In this game you are transported into a 3D space of a small room where you will collect your computer. Purchase and get the necessary items you to collect the computer and start your computer after completing the Assembly. Enhance and upgrade the capabilities of your computer. In this game you will learn to understand the inner workings of the computer and will learn the purposes for which used one or the other detail. Assemble the most powerful computer in the world and achieve great results in the game.

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Requirements to v1.6.0

  • OS version: Android 4.1+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 33 Mb

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v1.6.0  Original

16.05.2021 Fixed some bugs Shutdown effects App downloader Play videos on the computer Edit file name Add more components

Votes: 6

v1.5.6  Original

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