Pathfinder Adventures

Android, iOS
Board Games
Update date
06 May 2016
Pathfinder Adventures – co-op adventures which are recommended as a minimum to install it and try to play it. Lovers of Board games with a deep and thoughtful gameplay will be delighted. Game with role-playing component where all the heroes gathered in the deck, the stronger your deck is, the easier it will be to play. At this point in the game 400 cards, and a separate deck, which will be your adventure. The game has several scenarios and locations . Your task is to defeat the boss until he fled to another location where there is no your player.
Compatibility: iPad.
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 2 users
Requirements to v1.00
- OS version: iOS 7.1+
- Requires free space: 832.3 Mb
- Compatibility: ipad
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v1.00 OriginaliPad
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