
Android, iOS
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Update date
02 May 2019
Ordia is a fun, simple platformer with fingertip control. Simple to learn, does not mean just in the game. With each new level the game becomes harder and harder. In the game you had the chance to manage a brand new form of life that is stepping into dangerous territory for her. Your task is to hold this new body is safe, any methods will approach, you can start from the walls, it is possible for them to stick and all this with one finger.
- Simple mechanics with one-finger controls.
- More than 30 levels in 3 different worlds
- Beautiful and varied worlds
- Modes with increased difficulty for each level
- Bonus levels and unlockable achievement
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 1 users
Requirements to v
- OS version: iOS 10.3+
- Requires free space: 166.6 Мб
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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