NinJump Deluxe

NinJump Deluxe
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    17 October 2018

NinJump Deluxe - cartoon arcade game about the adventures of a small but nimble ninja! You need to climb up and for that you have all the jumping ability, the ability to climb on walls, fighting skills, etc. On your difficult way will meet different obstacles - fire-breathing dragons, monkeys, sea monsters, etc., and each enemy will need to find a way, therefore, the care here is very not interfere! Along the way you will meet bonuses that will facilitate or strengthen your defense. Game variety as a whole and not boring, pleasing, and locations - from pirate ship to the castle and impenetrable jungle!

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v3.1.1  Original

17.10.2018 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 0

v1.2.5  Original

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