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  • Update date

    07 February 2024

Neiforia is a world of amazing encounters and unexpected battles, where every turn of the road hides its own mystery. Once this land was a haven for dreamers and adventure seekers, but with the arrival of the Dark Lord, whose name has become a symbol of fear, everything changed. The devastation that engulfed Neiforia turned picturesque landscapes into abandoned ruins, and many of its inhabitants into pitiful remnants of what once was. Now is the time for a hero to step into the battle to save this world. He will embark on an epic journey through ravaged kingdoms, where every step will be a trial and every discovery a puzzle. Battles become even more thrilling thanks to the conquest mode, where skill and tactics determine the outcome of each fight. Improve your base, build fortifications, and engage in real-time battles with other players for control over territories. Explore the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents, and then devise a strategy that will lead you to victory.

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Requirements tov0.1000.33

  • OS version: Android 5.1+
  • Internet: required
  • Requires free space: 146 Mb

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v0.1000.33  Original

7.02.2024 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 2

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