NBA 2K13

NBA 2K13
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    04 January 2013

NBA 2K13 – rejoice you can now play basketball on your Android device. Choose your favorite NBA team and become a virtual coach - manage your players and lead your team to victory! Control - your choice of joystick or buttons. Switch between players and time to carry out all necessary actions to beat the opponent and lead your team to victory! Try Training mode to get the hand to throw in the basket and movement on the playing field without interference. The graphics are amazing, you will be able to view in slow motion goals, to take pictures and save them in your gallery! And what are the comments of Kevin Harlan, Clark Kellogg or! Enjoy full and perfect quality! Good luck to you! Create your star team!

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Requirements to v1.1.2

  • OS version: Android 4.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 1,08 Gb

Download gameNBA 2K13

v1.1.2  Original

22.08.2017 - Changes not specified.

Cache for the game NBA 2K13: extract the folder from the archive to /Android/obb/

- it should look like this /Android/obb/com.t2ksports.nba2k13android/

- install apk, run the game!


Votes: 11

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