My Child Lebensborn

English, Ukrainian, Russian, Others
Update date
11 August 2023
The action takes place in Norway in the post-war years. You decide to accept a child from the Lebensborn organization into your family. Raising such a child will not be easy, because he will have to grow up in a society full of hatred and rejection. In this game you are invited to look at the Second World War from the other side, through the prism of real stories of children associated with the organization "Lebensborn". You will learn how even after the war, the cruelty of enemies continues to destroy lives.
Your task is to uncover the secrets of the child's past and provide him with a happy future. You will need to skillfully manage your time and resources to provide your child with everything necessary. In addition, you will have to find answers to difficult questions, immerse yourself in history and learn about malice, manipulation and injustice.
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Rating of 6 users
Requirements tov2.0.106
- OS version: iOS 12+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 614.53 Мб
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