Mr. Reader

Mr. Reader
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    28 October 2015

Anyway, RSS is a convenient way to collect and read news.

the reading room an excellent functionality. It works with multiple accounts, allows you to mark individual articles selected, said read texts when scrolling or older than a certain date. In Mr. Reader has a search for new channels, create, rename, and move folders and correction of tags. Provided save articles for offline reading.

In the app settings you can find some themes, change font size, multiline headers, and more. And visually impaired people may need the VoiceOver.


Compatibility: iPad.

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Requirements to v3.1.8

  • OS version: iOS 8.0+
  • Compatibility: ipad

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v3.1.8  OriginaliPad

28.10.2015 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 0

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